Managing A Giver's Donations
The first panel within a Giver's Account presents a Giver's transaction details. This includes any scheduled (one-time or recurring) gifts, along with a full history below of all previous donations. You can manage this section much in the same way as your Transactions Panel, complete with the ability to filter transactions and download reports for this individual Giver. Let's take a look at an example Giver's Transactions.
Scheduled gifts
The first section you'll notice is the Giver's scheduled gifts. If a Giver has none, this will remain blank.
Keep in mind...
- If you don't see a scheduled gift in a particular Giver Account, but you are able to see it in your Scheduled Panel, this is because the gift has yet to be properly associated with this Giver's Account. The majority of the time, this is simply because the Giver has yet to verify their email address. If you suspect this to be the case, simply contact the Giver and ask them to login to their personal Giver Account and access their email addresses here. If they see an option to Resend Verification, ask them to click that button, and to check their email inbox to verify their email address. After that, you should see their scheduled gift in their Giver Account (as will they be able to).
- Other times, the Giver has accidentally typed in a different email address when they made their scheduled gift than what's currently verified on their account. If that's the case, contact the Giver and ask them to login to their personal Giver account and access their email addresses here. They can add the additional email address there. They will then need to check their email inbox for a verification email from us, where they'll need to click on a button to verify their email address. After that, you should see their scheduled gift in their Giver Account (as will they be able to).
- Other times, the Giver has accidentally typed in a completely incorrect email address that will not be able to verified. If this is the case, contact our customer success team by emailing Make sure to pass along the gift's ID along with the correct email address the gift should be associated with.
- One last possibility is that the Giver simply didn't start their scheduled gift with any email address associated with it at all. In this case, they will need to use the Receipt Lookup Tool to claim that gift. Click here to learn more about that.
In this example, this Giver has one recurring gift, scheduled to donate on a weekly basis on Mondays. Should you ever need to see more details of a scheduled gift, or make changes to it (based on a Giver's request), click the Edit button.
View & edit a scheduled gift's details
Once you click the Edit button, you can view the scheduled gift's details. Additionally, you can make adjustments to it (be sure to have the giver's permission).
Change the amount
To change the amount, simply type in a new gift amount.
Switch the fund
To switch the fund the scheduled gift goes to, click the dropdown menu to reveal other options.
Set the gift to active/inactive
If a Giver wishes their gift to no longer be active (or to be reactivated), use the toggle switch to do that.
Giving records
Below a Giver's scheduled gifts will be their giving history, gifts that have already been made. Just like in the Transactions Panel, you can filter a giver's transaction panel to view a specific donation and download reports of an individual Giver's transaction history.

Manually add a gift
If a Giver provides a physical gift in cash or check form, you can account for that gift by manually adding a gift to a Giver's Account. Simply click the Add New + button.
For a more details on how to do this, click here. While this visual guide focuses specifically on the Transactions Panel, the principles are exactly the same.
Downloading a report
You can view more or less information by exploring the Columns.
You can filter specific data, such as amounts, funds, frequencies, methods of payment, or statuses.
You can also choose to only view gifts through a particular date range.
Once you've filtered to find the transactions you're looking for, you can download a report as a .csv file. Simply scroll down below all the gifts shown and click the Download Report button.
For more detail on how to filter and download a report of a Giver's donation history, click here. While this visual guide focuses specifically on the Transactions Panel, the principles are exactly the same.
View an individual gift's details
To view a specific transaction's details, click the View button beside a gift.
Here, you'll be able to see all the details available on this particular gift.
Change the fund
Unlike a future scheduled gift, in an already donated gift, you can only change the fund the gift is intended for. To do this, click the dropdown menu under Fund and select a new available fund.
Refund the gift
To refund a gift, simply click the Refund Transaction button. This will immediately refund the gift. The Giver will also receive an email notifying them of the refund.
Keep in mind...
- If the Refund Transaction button is faded out, you don't yet have the ability to refund the gift. If the gift has not yet been paid out to your church's bank account, you will not be able to refund the donation. This is simply because you can't refund money you don't have, and you can't cancel a transaction in the middle of it being processed. As soon as the donation has been cleared and is deposited in your bank account, you'll be able to refund the donation.
View the gift's schedule
If the particular gift you're looking at is a scheduled gift, you can click the View Schedule button. This will take you to the information we already looked at previously in this guide. (See View & edit a scheduled gift's details above.)
Resend receipt
If a Giver wishes to receive another digital receipt (perhaps they lost the initial one sent), you can always manually send them another one by click the Resend Receipt button.