Transactions Panel

When it comes to reporting, the Transactions Panel is the best place to be. Here, you can keep track of every single donation that comes to your church, and run fully customizable reports according to your needs.

Below is a Transactions Panel showing all donations within the last 30 days.

Let's take a look at all the options in the panel before we look at downloading a report.


Using the search bar, you can search for the following information to find specific transactions:

  • Gift amount (a literal dollar amount including the decimal point and cents)
  • Last four digits of credit card or bank account number
  • Email address
  • Account ID
  • Transaction ID
  • Gift Schedule ID
  • Transfer ID


Clicking on Columns, you can select which columns you want to appear in your Transactions Panel. Additionally, you can rearrange the order the columns appear. The columns appear left to right in the same order they appear here top to bottom.


Clicking on Filters, you can select which transactions you wish to view. In this example, only those given to the Project Share fund that were given via credit card will appear in the Transactions Panel.


Clicking on the calendar, you can select all the dates you wish to view transactions.

Download Report

At the very bottom of the Transactions Panel, you will find the Download Report button. This will download all information in a .csv file, according to all the filters set.

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