How scalable Is RebelGive?


In terms of pricing with RebelGive, we have tiered price points depending on what size of church you are; however, you'll never have to worry about how many gifts you process. That will never determine your subscription costs. Additionally, we've already negotiated market-leading, low rates on your behalf, and your givers cover all the other fees typically associated with online giving.

Click here to learn more about our tiered price points.

Security & Privacy

RebelGive is fully PCI compliant and employ a set of standards both technological and practical to make sure that every transaction is processed securely, and your church and your giver's privacy is protected with the utmost care. From our system foundation, to our processing partners, to even the storage and back-end services we use, everything is handled with extreme care. You can read a bit more about the security of our platform here

Volume & Traffic

RebelGive employs an extremely modern system architecture that ensures the same secure, easy to use, performant giving experience to every church no matter how large or small. Whether your church is less than 100 or serving thousands every week, RebelGive allows givers to partner with your church in giving with easy to follow GivingFlows and Giver accounts. No matter where they're at or what time they give or if 10,000 of them all happen to give at the same exact millisecond. We handle it all no problem.

How? Our system is built on PCI Level 1 compliant, serverless architecture that is the future of all truly modern web platforms. Now this could get really technical, but basically at its core, this means that we are not susceptible to things that have in the past typically given internet platforms trouble. Things like traffic spikes (on key Sundays or end of year giving) that cause server overloads and failures. 

RebelGive's entire foundation is infinitely scalable, so you won't run into problems where gifts can't be processed at critical times because "too many people" were hitting a server at once, or your "traffic" increased "abnormally" compared to what happens "regularly" or anything ridiculous like that. RebelGive employs the latest technology for the underlying backbone infrastructure, and pairs that with the most effective front-end giving process, for a holistically secure, modern, intuitive, and robust experience that is always there for you.

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